SWTOR Fan Community


Star of Ishtar / Light of Ishtar
Goddess Ishtar changes people, starting with the Dark Side and ending with the Light Side.


Star Forge




Republic & Imperial

Last Updated

January 14, 2025


CST / Most active time 7 pm - 12 am EDT


  • Flashpoints
  • Conquest
  • Leveling
  • Crafting

Active Members

100+, 15 during prime time

Guild Level

251 Republic / 237 Imperial

Operations Groups


Guild Rules

Guild Rules

Guild Description

Goddess Ishtar determines inside us a Mystic Cycle which makes us see the Dark Side and the Light Side in an efficient, true and balanced way. The Great Master Carl Gustav Jung has named this Cycle 'individuation'.

Following the Mystic Cycle, we learn to use the Dark Side and the Light Side without going to the extremes which are so common in the approach of fanatical Force-users. The extreme of the Light Side is being blindly bound to a so-called higher power that can't be controlled or completely understood, so people are brainwashed in the name of an Ultimate Good. The extreme of the Dark Side is to impose your own will up to the point of becoming oppressive.

1. The Mystic Cycle starts by accepting our Dark Side, which is present in us and in the Universe, as well as the Light Side.

2. The Cycle continues by enjoying the Dark Side like the script of a beautiful play.

3. Afterwards, we see ourselves as actors and spectators. We play, we see, we learn from our experiences and from our masters.

4. We reach the Light Side once we reach our Self, which balances our ideas, our emotions and our lives.

Thus, the Ishtarites learn that the former Dark Side becomes a Light Side. At this point we can go further, to the Divine. However, the Mystic Cycle will spontaneously repeat till we reach the point of a doubtless awareness in our connection with the Divine.

Guild Requirements

These guilds are about Love and Love should not be superficial, but it should support people to understand the world and their souls in order to develop their personalities. Therefore, discussions are not only allowed, but encouraged. So join our guilds if you really want to get some profound information about Star Wars and about its connection to religion and to our daily life.

We believe there is no real gap between the real life and the virtual life, but they both form our indivisible reality. We are Ishtarites both in game and in real life. So we have no rules for the guilds other than to be objective when understanding anything, but also to follow our intuition.

How to Join

Join discord.gg/Y22Hpr8XrM and just ask an Ishtarite to invite you. All our members can invite.


We celebrate 3 Ishtarites with the best results in the last conquest with a special rank for the next week.

Flagship: Glorious

6/15 Rooms unlocked
'Glorious' is not only our flagship, but also a Zen Garden, full of plants and mystical symbols of transformation. All flagship perks are active, too.

Flagship: Effulgent

6/15 Rooms unlocked
Our flagship 'Effulgent' is also an Ishtarite place for chilling out, full of vegetal shrines dedicated to Goddess Ishtar. We enjoy the full benefit of flagship perks.