If this guild is breaking rules ingame, please do not report it here, instead report it ingame. This website is just a guild listing directory.
If this guild listing is mocking another player or guild, or is spam, please use the report form below to give a short explanation of what you are reporting, and how you would like to be contacted back (ex discord username, email, reddit username, twitter, bluesky).
Discord is an online chat system that can connect you with players from around the world, and is the most commonly used communication tool for guilds and groups in SWTOR. You can use it to easily contact guild leaders with questions or requests to join. Here's how to message the guild leader on discord!
If you do not already have one, create a free discord account at discordapp.com
To make it easier for you to contact Don't stand in stupid / Your sprint is off, click this link https://discord.gg/x5kATm2 and join the SWTOR Guild Finder discord chat channel.
The last step is to private message the guild leader.
On desktop, click the discord icon on the top left of the screen to get to your private messages.
Next, click 'Find or start a conversation'.
In the box that pops up, copy and paste this discord username: Albert#1689
You should then be able to select their name from a list and message them. Make sure to leave the @ symbol at the front of their name.
On the mobile app, tap the symbol of three horizontal lines on the top left of the screen to open the menu.
Next, tap the icon of three people on the top left.
Last, tap the box at the top of the screen that says 'Find or start a conversation.'
In the box that pops up, copy and paste this discord username: Albert#1689
You should then be able to select their name from a list and message them. Make sure to leave the @ symbol at the front of their name.
Here's the trouble shooting steps or reasons this may not work. If you are unable to see someone's name pop up on the list to message, you will likely have to send them a friend request and wait until they accept to mesage them. This is part of Discord's spam prevention.
This is a fan made project created by the SWTOR Fan Community to help connect players with guilds.
To receive help the fastest as a player or guild leader, join this special help discord chat: https://discord.gg/x5kATm2 - go to the #get-help channel, type your problem and type @Guild Ambassador to notify our Guild Ambassadors you need a hand.
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