SWTOR Players Club

This is a Facebook group for players of Star Wars: The Old Republic to get together to discuss the game and meet others to play the game.

  • Who can join? All players who are interested in or play Star Wars: The Old Republic
  • How do you join? Visit facebook.com/groups/SWTORPC
  • Do you need to download anything? Nope!
  • Do you need an account? Yes, you will be able to create a Facebook account, which you can use in this Facebook Club or any aspect of Facebook
  • How many people are a part of this community? There is over 8,000 members in this Facebook Club!
  • What type of things can you post in this Facebook community? Players can post screenshots, jokes, questions about the game or any other SWTOR related content.

How to Join

  1. Create a Facebook account by visiting facebook.com
  2. Visit the SWTOR Player’s Group page at facebook.com/groups/SWTORPC and click the blue “Join Group” button to join
  3. You can now post to the SWTOR players group and reply to other player’s posts!


  • You may need to wait to have your account approved to prevent spam. Just hold tight and make sure to answer the questions to prove you are a real player and not a spam bot!
  • Players in this group enjoy posting screenshots, jokes and asking and answering questions about the game.
  • Want to see the newest posts? Click the dropdown that says “Recent Activity” and choose “New Posts” instead